Author Topic: Turbo Grafx CD units common?  (Read 1194 times)


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Turbo Grafx CD units common?
« on: July 14, 2001, 11:00:00 AM »
why are TG-16 CD units so uncommon? Duo's are more common than the add ons. I recently discovered my brothers old CD unit(today actually) just the unit, he had no other parts, it works i plugged in the AC and put a CD in it and it lit up and all. Soon i'll get the system card and other such accessories to bring it back to life. I've had my Turbo Grafx for over 3 years(since my brother left to college) I always tried to get it beforehand but thats another story. Look forward to watching this board thrive!


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Re: Turbo Grafx CD units common?
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2001, 12:07:00 PM »
Those are hard to find, but I think you'll have more trouble finding a system card by itself, but I could be wrong. I lucked out and found my cd unit at a flea market with carrying case, system card, and a few odds and ends for $20. I had to order a new AC adapter for it and have it repaired, but it works fabulous. I still bought a brand new Duo about a year later, cause I didn't think I would ever find a 3.0 card, at least not cheap.


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Re: Turbo Grafx CD units common?
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2001, 03:18:00 AM »
TG-CD units are pretty hard to find these least compared to TG/TE/DUO units.  The most logical reasons for this is:

1.  NEC didn't sell that many TG-CD units to begin with because of a very high retail price and the CD games were so-so (but got a lot better later on with high-rated games such as Ys)

2.  Just when the TG-CD started to catch on with TG-16 owners, the DUO was announced and some TG-16 owners waited for that, thus hindering more TG-CD sales.

So by going with the reasons above, one can see why there aren't as many TG-CDs in circulation.

Same goes with the Super System was mail-order only so that's why you don't see any extras around that often. Aaron Nanto

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you're right
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2001, 06:00:00 AM »
I've seen TG CD units on, I think.

You're not kidding about the scarcity of these units.  The white PC Engine CD ROM units are even harder to find.  Ebay has them on occassion, but they are usually bundled with a PC Engine, games, etc which I don't need.  From time to time you'll see one on ebay separately, but its usually untested or has problems.  

I wouldn't pay more than $100 for one.  If you're going to end up spending more than $100, you can get a BRAND NEW Turbo Duo at or for $199.  New is always better!


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« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2001, 02:59:00 AM »
First off, I'd like to say the new look of this site is great!

About the CD add on units, I have quite a few (tested and working) for sale on my (new and ugly) website.

The hard thing to find is the System 3.0 cards. When I get them in, they ususally sell between 75-100 dollars, as much as the units themselves! If you already have an adapter/convertor such as a Kisado etc., I'd recommend an Arcade Card Pro as they can be had a little cheaper plus you can then play all (well, other than a couple) CDs.


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Re: re
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2001, 06:54:00 AM »
Hey m1savage!

Glad you like the site update   Say, I checked out your page... I might pick up some 3DO titles from you soon!

Aaron Nanto

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Re: Turbo Grafx CD units common?
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2001, 12:19:00 AM »
What is funny is that I'm one of the weird dinosaurs that actually owns the Turbographx 16 with the CD-ROM attachment.  I remember having to send away to actually get one because of the lack of stock on the product.  I finally got the unit.  The box was insanely huge (Maybe about the size of 4 PS2 boxes stacked on top of each other... perhaps even larger)

I still own my TG16 with CD, I even bought the domestic CD-ROM upgrade card that let me play "Super CDs", and the cool-in-theory-bad-in-software-quanity "Arcade Card".

I have been through all the new systems, and I'll admit the games are better on a technical level, and they are PROBABLY better in terms of story and craftsmanship, but the TG-16 was the system that I always was the most excited while playing.  I can't explain why... but I'm sure many of you agree with me on some level.

DDR Clutz

"Tensai Basuketo-Man"

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Re: Turbo Grafx CD units common?
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2001, 05:28:00 PM »
I'm a newbie to the turbografx scene... but i was lucky to get a turbografx 16 and cd add on from a friend who happened to have two sets of them.  He also let me have some games as well:  Double Dragon II (SCD) and fighting street.  Unfortunately, I can't take advantage of the SCD games because I'm lacking the 3.0 card.

If anyone is selling an extra one...let me know!



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Re: Turbo Grafx CD units common?
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2001, 05:59:00 AM »
Your going to have a very tough time finding a 3.0 card. I also have the original cd-add on, but I bought a new TurboDuo, just so I could play SCD's.


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Re: Turbo Grafx CD units common?
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2002, 05:40:00 AM »
The arcade card pro is backward compatible with SCD games, so as long as you are looking for a new card, you might as well go all the way...
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