Magician Lord on the Neo-Geo is a beautiful game. Let's see if -- just hypothetically -- its graphics can be brought to the PCE.
First, I played with the title screen.
Neo Geo original on left. Around 80 unique colours (not counting "Alpha" text).
Middle is a
simple constraining to PCE colour space. Not bad, but down to 50 colours and it's looking a little like a rotten egg.
Right is a touching-up that I did to make the colour balance better and have few or
no "lost" colours on the egg, the tree, or the logo. (Twisty thing on the right edge got some colour loss, but who cares?) 58 colours.

Next, I imagined if I ported the game, I'd expand the screen size to something befitting the PCE.
Neo-Geo original. 192 colours.
Simple constraining. Not bad actually. 108 colours.

Finally, here's a
recolouring and re-compositing of all the layers. 123 colours. Not a great gain, but there's less colour banding in several areas.

The final is 352x242 compared to the Neo's 320x224. Well, a guy can dream...