Author Topic: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...  (Read 11304 times)


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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2012, 04:26:14 PM »
I hope this turns out to be real! This is actually one of the more appealing unreleased games to me, the graphics look pretty nice. Lets see what this big update entails before any sort of donation system is considered.
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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2012, 07:53:03 PM »
Wait....big update?  Did I miss something :-s

This & Dinoforce reminds me of this thread, I wonder what happened to this guy, maybe he was full of it?
« Last Edit: October 28, 2012, 08:08:31 PM by ParanoiaDragon »


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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #32 on: October 28, 2012, 07:57:41 PM »
I'd contribute to a kickstarter or something similar to pool funds to buy it (if it can be reasonably verified to be legit and the seller trustworthy) if it gets sent to Chris Covell to dump it and make the rom public. If he's up for it, he could possibly do the exchange in person with a PCE GT to ensure everything goes smoothly. I'd be happy with him keeping the original as well to reward him for his efforts.

I think the same :)
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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #33 on: October 28, 2012, 09:01:08 PM »
What I don't get about people sitting on these protos is...why are the screen shots often SO SHITTY? They want us to believe they are real but only show us the blurriest crap possible, with one of these shots looking amazingly close to the shot from PCE Magazine. Its like they actually want people to doubt the authenticity.

And yeah, the weapon...looks cool, but is that even possible?

Game looks amazing though, from what little we can see. I personally have never hear of it.

As for this community acquiring the proto...probably not going to happen. I doubt this forum could raise $5k. Those French bastards buy $20,000 protos all day.


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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2012, 08:51:17 AM »
I haven't heard anything about beaglepuss making the MM rom available, so even if he did nanage to get ahold of this, the end result would likely he the same as if any of the other collectors who buy unreleased games to keep them from being released to the public gets it.

On the contrary...

Here are some links for you to consider:
-  My release of the unreleased Genesis title Beastball .  The Download can be found here:

-  My release of the Unreleased Genesis title Swamp Thing

-  My release of the Unreleased Genesis game Dragon's Lair and the Unreleased NES game Arcadia VI

-  My release of the Unreleased NES game Kitty's Catch, Unreleased NES engine for Tommy T's Sound editor, and a host of other NES titles

-  My release of the unreleased NES game Hoppin' Mad

-  Although it's DreamTR's game, I dumped and repro'd Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat for the Genesis

I'm currently in the process of releasing Bill's Tomato game for the Genesis, and it should be ready within the next month or two.  That release will fund the release of a few more unreleased NES titles I have had in the works for some time now.

Now, I have to ask, how many releases have you played a role in?  The question is rhetorical of course, as I'm sure I already know the answer. 

The reason I haven't said anything in regard to Marble Madness in some time is because there's nothing to say.  Outside of Sadler offering to let me borrow a multi-tap, there hasn't been a single member of this community offering up anything outside of "Gimme TEH ROMZ!"  You get more bees with honey, and more roms with tact. 

I'm not going to drop tens of thousands of dollars on a game(s) and get nothing in return, that's not how I operate.  If MM were a good candidate to be reproduced and offset my initial investment, that's what I would have done.  It wasn't, so I didn't.

If this Dino Force game is real, and it's on Assembler, then it's already too late.  The big time collectors will scoop this up and put it on a shelf (and no, they're not French).  A $5,000 community fund raiser wouldn't add up to a down payment for a game of this caliber.   


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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #35 on: October 29, 2012, 08:59:10 AM »
I don't need to see any game badly enough to spend more than about £50 on it.
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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #36 on: October 29, 2012, 09:11:32 AM »
Outside of Sadler offering to let me borrow a multi-tap, there hasn't been a single member of this community offering up anything outside of "Gimme TEH ROMZ!" 

That offer is still open, just let me know where to ship to. :)


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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2012, 10:40:22 AM »
On the contrary...
I'm not going to drop tens of thousands of dollars on a game(s) and get nothing in return, that's not how I operate.  If MM were a good candidate to be reproduced and offset my initial investment, that's what I would have done.  It wasn't, so I didn't.

So B.T. is correct - you're not planning to make repros or offer the rom; that's a pity, but I can understand you wanting to make a buck.  Have you considered hacking the rom to run from a CD?  Assuming it's doable, that might get the manufacturing cost per game low enough to provide a worthwhile profit margin.

The reason I haven't said anything in regard to Marble Madness in some time is because there's nothing to say.  Outside of Sadler offering to let me borrow a multi-tap, there hasn't been a single member of this community offering up anything outside of "Gimme TEH ROMZ!"  You get more bees with honey, and more roms with tact. 

Umm, okay.  I don't know what else you were looking for, but I'll be in line for a repro if you ever make one.
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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2012, 02:00:07 PM »
On the contrary...
I'm not going to drop tens of thousands of dollars on a game(s) and get nothing in return, that's not how I operate.  If MM were a good candidate to be reproduced and offset my initial investment, that's what I would have done.  It wasn't, so I didn't.

So B.T. is correct - you're not planning to make repros or offer the rom; that's a pity, but I can understand you wanting to make a buck.  Have you considered hacking the rom to run from a CD?  Assuming it's doable, that might get the manufacturing cost per game low enough to provide a worthwhile profit margin.

The reason I haven't said anything in regard to Marble Madness in some time is because there's nothing to say.  Outside of Sadler offering to let me borrow a multi-tap, there hasn't been a single member of this community offering up anything outside of "Gimme TEH ROMZ!"  You get more bees with honey, and more roms with tact.  

Umm, okay.  I don't know what else you were looking for, but I'll be in line for a repro if you ever make one.

Me as well, I've been drooling over the thought of MM being released on cart or cd, either way.  If it has to be cd, I'm fine with that.  CD is doable for sure right now, on carts, we still have to wait for whatever Arky & co. need to do to finish the Abcards.  As far as offering anything, the one thing I could do, is make redbook versions of the tunes for a CD version, which I might eventually do anyways just for fun.  However, I am still knee deep in Jungle Bros. tunes, so when I'd get to it? :-k
« Last Edit: October 29, 2012, 02:17:32 PM by ParanoiaDragon »


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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #39 on: October 29, 2012, 02:11:05 PM »
Would he even have the right to release and "sell" the game on TG-16, that would be a better question. Who actually owns the rights to Marble Madness currently? I could see pulling it off on some unreleased game by a company long since dead, but  Mark Cerny is not dead, and if he doesn't have the rights, then I would think Warner Bros. Entertainment would since they soaked up all the rights that Midway had obtained when they made the purchase of Atari Games.


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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #40 on: October 29, 2012, 06:08:03 PM »
Most recent post/thread over at Assembler games

Hello guys,
I'm not sure that it's the right place for the thread, so if it's not please just let me know.
So after asked the "Big Boss", I'm opening a Special thread to talk about it (D.F.). Some people surely guess that i'm not coming with empty hands !!!!
First :
- I open this thread to talk about the game.
 - A "free Q/A" topic will be open until friday.
 - Then "we" will decide what to do with.

> Don't waist more time, "I" have in hand a Full complete version of the Hu-Card game Dino Crisis. Game canceled after the "circus lido" company closed. The game was done but unreleased. It's an ALPHA BAN (taikenban) on a develop Hu card.
> Through this thread, you will be able to ask me questions about it until friday, then I will answer you and update this message.

I will start with some basics questions :
- Which game :
 Dino force, canceled in 1993. You can find some/few informations about it in the PC ENGINE Fan June 1993 and the Gekkan PC-Engine 9/1991 (thank you to CCOVELL). The company released the "famous" Circus Lido.
- Where :
 It come from the "boss" of the project, he worked on Space invaders, Darius series and many more... (all informations available as proof as well with name, address...). Even some pictures with him and a special dedication at my "name" with a hand draw of the first stage boss (20 years after made it).
- Why :
 Why after 20 years ? It's simple, after a good talk and good drink, Japanese people "talk and tell some little secret", it's one of them !!! It's a good chance for you to get this "legend/rumor" and an opportunity (financial) for "him" to invest in a "new project". I'm not the main "man" on it, so I can't decide alone on what to do next.
- How many :
 Officially there are only 2 remains. A Beta Ban (80% complete of the game) available in the Famitsu company "storage room", and a 100% Alpha Ban complete "here". I'm not 100% sure of this but, during the past 20 years it's THE ONLY ONE (maybe the last) TIME that the game "show up". If something "happened" the game should be lost "forever".
- Next Step :
 We are thinking about a "live presentation" through the U-channel to a friend soon, but some "people interest in it" won't this to happened. Someones "made offers", but nothing decided yet. I ask you all what do you want, or what do you think ?
To be honest, "We" are not able to "make" a public release with 200/300 copies (money and time missing). Maybe "the buyer" will do it BUT nothing sure. I know that many of you guys should be pissed about it cause 99% of nec lovers won't (maybe) be able to play it, and I'm sorry about that. But you have to understand that "game" is not supposed to be "here", 20 years after !!!
- Offer :
 You all guys available to do "offer", not only financially, but if you have any ideas or "plans" everything will be check as well.

- Garantie :
 We can certify the "new owner", that we didn't made any copy OR own any copy somewhere, and the "boss" is almost sure that NO OTHER ONE will pop up soon or late. the "new owner" will be free to do what he want to do with the game, and we won't tell anything.

Feel free to share your feeling (good or bad) about it and ask question.

Attachment 4831
Attachment 4832
Attachment 4833
Attachment 4834

I'm not sure what those attatchments are supposed to be, none of the links work, or maybe I have to register to get them to work?


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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #41 on: October 29, 2012, 06:57:06 PM »
So he has an Alpha build.  Do people really care about getting that dumped. I figure proto collectors
would like it for their E-penis bragging rights, but most gamer/collectors would probally be interested in a late
Beta game.
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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #42 on: October 29, 2012, 07:20:02 PM »
There's now a video up, but I gotta wait to be approved by a mod.


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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #43 on: October 29, 2012, 09:28:33 PM »
Never heard of this.  Was it some unreleased horizontal shmup or something?


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Re: So there's this Dino Force alpha version...
« Reply #44 on: October 30, 2012, 06:22:23 AM »
So an alpha is more complete than a beta? Is this the way they talk in Japan or is this guy just clueless?