Author Topic: Reading Data from PCE CDs  (Read 951 times)


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Re: Reading Data from PCE CDs
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2014, 05:15:41 PM »
Hacking hucard games = easy. Hacking CD games = not so much. Even if you're comfortable with nes 65x, and jump into the PCE - there's a whole new slew of problems that CD games introduce. Granted, going from CD->SCD allows you to avoid all these problems. But there isn't an option to allow SCD->'something newer'. There are no custom hucards out there that support more ram than SCD, sadly. If someone were to make these - then problem solved (emulation and real hardware). Else, it's a huge pain finding adequate free space in CDRAM for hooks/hack code - let alone making sure it's always free or in the right spot (Ys IV also had this problem. Spriggan Mark 2 has this issue too; I have two sets of hacks to resolve this). I.e. - you need more ram than what the games thinks is there, and therefore doesn't use. And no, Arcade Card does not fit the bill (no regular added ram to the cpu logical range).

 That one French guy made those turbo boards recently, could easily be adapted to support a new SCD card. 256k or 512k of sram for CD ram (rom: bank 00-3f. ram: bank 40-7f).


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Re: Reading Data from PCE CDs
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2014, 12:14:19 PM »
You get the idea and your question is now fully answered.

Yep. I am speechless  :shock:
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