Author Topic: Substitute Music tracks  (Read 758 times)


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Substitute Music tracks
« on: March 05, 2006, 09:04:29 AM »
A while back I remember reading on a website someplace about a guy making "Y's 1&2 Special Edition", or something like that, which was basically him substituting the redbook audio tracks from his copy of Y's 1&2 for tracks from the arranged BGM CDs.

This was something that I had already thought of doing myself with another game, but couldn't quite figure it out. I still haven't figured it out. He said he used an Amiga program to do it, and even he didn't have the stuff anymore.

I tried doing it some time ago with CDRWin, but with no success.

Does anyone know how to do this? I would prefer to do it in Toast, but I suppose I can use just about any burning program as long as it works.

Thanks for any help.


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Substitute Music tracks
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 11:14:46 AM »
You need to make an ISO/WAV/CUE sheet of the game.

 1) Use TocFixer to correct any track length variations and build a new-
     CUE sheet.

 2) Use this CUE sheet to make note of the exact times of each track.

 3) Use a WAV editor to cut/fade the desired replacement track to the-
     exact time and save over the original WAV track file.

 4) Use TocFixer to clean up any small mis-sizes of these new tracks.

 5) Burn with Nero/CDRWIN/Alcohol or just mount CUE and play in EMU.