Author Topic: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)  (Read 4871 times)


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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2016, 09:07:47 PM »
This game actually looks 100% fantastic and fairly refreshing in the sea of "retro because retro" games made by people who suck at pixel art.

It's like Jill of the Jungle or Xargon + Hell.   This looks like mid 90s VGA in a very good way. 

Assuming the video is showing actual gameplay, it looks like a mid 90s classic shareware platformer.

I dig the music too, as it's SID heavy, without using overdone arp nonsense.

I disagree that the character needs to be some sort of standout, as it would kill the story a little (you're one of abajillion souls who decided to get out), and it fits the theme that you're some nobody.   I would imagine you find out who you are by winning.

I also wouldn't worry too much about merchandising.  Your target goal is small.  Maybe create a tie-in comic a'la Werewolf the Last Warrior on NES.  Throw in some stickers and pins. 

I'm backing it simply due to the VGA feelies it gives me, and that it matches the theme of the game I'm making for MSX2, lol.   If only the MSX were capable of a game like that.

There was another game on Steam called Muri that gave me similar feelies, so I bought that.   

That one was like late 80s/early 90s EGA platforming.

The mid 90s platformer done right is pretty rare, so here's hoping.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2016, 09:57:18 PM »
Game looks legit to me. I would buy / play it for sure.  :clap:
Reminds me of some Psygnosis game that could have been, but wasn't.

I totally disagree with Rover... 
Seems like you were just talking about Henshin Engine.
Which this game is not.

Some games are heavy in the character development, others are more into atmosphere and wicked game play. When Shadow of the Beast was released was the main character promoted heavily all over?
Nope, it sold because of it's graphics, music etc.  My point is, the way a game is developed and promoted totally depends on the type of game. (IMO)

I don't think every game needs to be promoted and shoved down our throats on every social media site, forum, and whatever to be a good game, or successful. (not trying to be a dick here, just saying is all)  :D

If a game is good, it's quality should speak for itself. People will hear about it, and they will buy it. (hopefully)

This game looks pretty tight, and I hope it gets funded.
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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2016, 12:36:38 AM »
I totally disagree with Rover... 
Totally cool with me, not everyone agrees with everyone.

Seems like you were just talking about Henshin Engine.
In what parallel universe did you get this idea from?

Which this game is not.
Yeah, no shit?

Just because we have a successful KS campaign right now doesn't mean I'm just finding another way to plug it. I am just giving my advice on how to reach a wider audience to ensure that this KS succeeds. I want to see this succeed too, but ya know, since marketing it seems to be going so well already, I guess my advice is meaningless.

Oh wait...


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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2016, 01:40:19 AM »
Yeah of course marketing is important. It could be ermagerd teh bestest gam evar but if nobody knows about it, and it never comes to be because the KS fails then it will all have been for naught. These guys need to promote the game better and have a better KS presentation, or it's never going to get off the ground.


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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2016, 04:44:30 AM »


If a game is good, it's quality should speak for itself. People will hear about it, and they will buy it. (hopefully)

As much as I'd like for this to be true, it just isn't. The TG16 being a prime example. Just look at the countless "hidden gem" videos on youtube. Way too often good games aren't hits because of lack of proper promotion.


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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2016, 05:14:45 AM »
Looks rad. I backed it for the digital copy and arts. Going to push it on some of my social medias in the hopes to help them reach their goal. Anyone who's backed should probably do the same. That's how one could really help.  :D
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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2016, 06:01:17 AM »
This is an argument ? C'mon guys!

I saw Rover's post, read it, and thought the same as esteban, hey, that's cool, Rover took the time to actually give him some sound advice which I didn't feel like doing myself (or felt that I could), assuming he ever returns to read it.

Sure, you don't have to take every piece of advice you ever read, but there're certainly no-brainer issues like getting a better writer, making your KS page look more professional, and mass marketing/plugging/spamming when you start your project... It massively helps if you can get Youtube gamer shows to demo/plug your game, but that takes long-term connections, contact-building, throwing freebies their way, etc. which Sarumaru had worked on over time.

Making the main character standout, well, I kinda see what Sarumaru did with his Yuki character and how it also plays to nostalgia. He's an old skool PCE fanboy that remembers the Johnny Turbo crap comic book that NEC "blessed" us with growing up and he used that for Yuki. Johnny Turbo fightin' the good fight against the forces of "FEKA..." Even as kids we knew this was crap propaganda, but we developed the underdog sentiment for the system against Nintendo, Sega, etc. and while Johnny Turbo was embarrassing, by God, he was OURS at least!!! You mess with Johnny, you mess with us, buddy!!!! :P

To the point, something about Yuki stands out. Yeah, she's a cute anime girl, and that plays to the male demographic right off the bat, but she's a fangirl that wants to get a job in the videogame industry for "JEC" to eventually fight the "SG Corp..." It's corny, it's lamey, just like Johnny Turbo was! It's playing right off of it!!! Ha! And I appreciate the work that went into that, not many PCE fanboys left that would remember these things, but it'll live on somewhat in 2016 and forward! Heh.

So, making a character stand out won't hurt, it's gonna help more times than not... It's about creating a legend around your game, I think... E.g. Mario, the Italian plumber and his brother Luigi, the Mario Bros... He's got the suit, the accent, "Hey, it's a-me, Mario!", etc. Adol, the red-headed adventurer roaming the lands of Ys, or, I dunno, something recent, Shovel Knight...there's something cool about him, his look, his shovel, they got the avatars, artwork, desktop wallpaper, merchandise, they got the jokes, "Prepare to taste justice...SHOVEL JUSTICE!" or "Some knights may make fun of your shovel, but between you and me, I dig it!!" ...Can YOU dig it ?? Shovel Knight, who must save his love, Shield Knight, against the Order of No Quarter! Some kind of angle with/around the character could really help, even as basic as that!

Of course, this aspect is NOT easy, few can really create a good legend or "mythos" around their character that'll stick, but it's worth thinking about IF you can do it, get the talent in your team to help, etc. But yeah, I think Saru kind of did that with Yuki, there's all this great artwork around it, a comic book playing off Johnny Turbo, there's an angle to the character and it adds extra interest in wanting to play the game even before you've seen any levels, etc.

One more thing that always helps: a killer soundtrack... Hands down, some of the greatest series that I love is because of the music like Ys, or Gate of Thunder, etc. The opening soundtrack of Saru's homebrew game is wonderful and I enjoyed listening to it many times, that factored into my decision to spam/plug it on my Twitter/Facebook, and eventually back it, etc.

Anyway, I'm no expert here nor do I play one, just giving my 2 cents on if I had to really think about it, what advice would I give, what ideas would I bat around to see if they could be put to good use. There's not quite one way to do this, but it doesn't hurt to put all ideas on the table that have worked in the past for others!
« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 02:40:11 PM by NightWolve »


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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2016, 07:11:11 AM »
Just because we have a successful KS campaign right now doesn't mean I'm just finding another way to plug it. I am just giving my advice on how to reach a wider audience to ensure that this KS succeeds. I want to see this succeed too, but ya know, since marketing it seems to be going so well already, I guess my advice is meaningless.
Oh wait...

I think it's more the fact that you're basically suggesting he do exactly what your successful Kickstarter did, which is not really what this person needs to do since the goal is so low.   

Marketing "Demon Soul Guy Escaping Hell" as your new favorite Saturday Morning cartoon character isn't really going to work out so great.     This doesn't look like the kind of game where you want a plushy.    A comic or some pins, maybe.   Or maybe a figurine or something.    Cutesy merchandise, not so much.

Plenty of games of the same variety do fine with a fly by night sort of character.  The game itself is the way you establish the character.  Beast, Splatterhouse Duder, Rastan Guy, Etc. were all nobodies until people liked the games.

Even f*ckin lame ass Turrican.

He just needs more word of mouth.   The KS just got off the ground and has over a month to raise 3000$.   If as many backers as your KS got ponied up like, less than half what they gave to you, he will be fine.

I'd figure, if Insanity's Blade can make it, this one should be able to as well.   
Henshin experienced free marketing all over Facebook, and already had the support of the webcomic, so it's a different beast.

I will have to say though that I disagree that it looks fairly modern.   It basically looks like a really well shaded Megadrive or mid 90s VGA game.

PS:  We're all basically riding off the coattails of retro games and this new fad of people wanting to fling money at old crap because new crap is well, crap.  Henshin Engine is no different in that regard really.

Inferno's basically Legendary Axe and Rastan's retarded child.   lol

What's with all these hell games though.  Did we accidentally start the 90s equivalent of all the space shooters?
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2016, 07:42:41 AM »
I get a modern Castlevania vibe from the presentation, honestly... it has that kind of dark, macabre look that I totally dig about any CV in the last decade or so. That's why I say it looks more like a modern game. I mean sure, something like this might have been done in limited form back in the 16 bit era, but nowhere near this visually impressive. And I don't mean using shitf*ckmode7horseshit either. :lol: There's nothing wrong with it looking more modern; hell, it gives you more freedom of expression that way... but there is a lot more animation in the video than the majority of old-school games that are not Prince Of Persia. :D


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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2016, 11:28:52 AM »
Backed. I really hope this succeeds.


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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2016, 11:51:17 AM »
well, even if the KS fails, this game is still being made.   The KS is just for all the physical stuff.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2016, 12:01:34 PM »
What platforms will you be making this for? DOS? C64? MSX?
it will be for windows pc ;)
Oh. Could you give us the plot?


"You are a lost soul, one equal to millions. Can't remember your past life and you have no idea about your actual situation. You only have a certainty: you are trapped in hell and you want to escape! Unarmed and defenseless you retrieved a flaming weapon from a clash between an angel and a demon who has seen the evil victorious. Nobody knows you're armed and decided to walk among the corpses of a thousand devils to find your way out of hell! Are you able to return to the real world and regain your lost memories? If you could defeat Mastema you may discover the reason of your death and of such extreme punishment."

the haze

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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2016, 02:13:22 PM »
One thing is for sure.
It looks like I will be backing more Kickstarters.

Arguments aside, I love all who develop new games to wet our retro appetite.

Rover, Arkhan you guys keep programming.
I'll support and play your games. 
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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2016, 07:46:01 PM »
One thing is for sure.
It looks like I will be backing more Kickstarters.

Arguments aside, I love all who develop new games to wet our retro appetite.

Rover, Arkhan you guys keep programming.
I'll support and play your games. 

on some paydays, I tend to go blow through Steam Sale wishlist, and Kickstarter, to throw money at stuff that I give a shit about, lol.

some of these goddamn KS haven't completed yet.  I want my stuff.

[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Mastema Out of Hell, fore real retrogamer ;)
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2016, 06:52:27 AM »
game seems really solid. Love the ascetic it presents. The story interest me as well. I like the fact that your just some dude trying to escape, and not this chosen person who was destined for this. Only thing i didn't like was the cheesy song towards the end of the trailer.