Author Topic: WTT: PC Engine HuCard Boxes and Manuals  (Read 239 times)


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WTT: PC Engine HuCard Boxes and Manuals
« on: February 16, 2017, 06:53:19 AM »
I have a number of empty HuCard boxes (no manuals) that I would like to sell or trade for some that I need to replace...

The ones I have to move on are:
AK91002 - Monster Pro Wrestling
IC02004 - Ninja Spirit
NAPH1008 - Ghouls and Ghosts
NC90001 - Genpei
NC91004 - World Circuit
NC91005 - Dragon Sabre
TP01005 - Volfied

I am then looking for new cases for:
Altered Beast
Kid Dracula

And new manuals for:
Tiger Road
Young Master
Takeda Shingen

Let me know if you need any of mine or have any that I need. Cheers. - definitive hardware listing for all PC Engine and Turbo Grafx systems.