Hello all.
It has been a long loooong time. I am in a horrible place with bad bad health and a bad living situation, but I have made the best of it. I made a thread in console as I don't remember anything of anything and lost years as well as my systems and games I loved. I only managed to hang onto some PS2 imports and a Japanese PSX and some games for them not many.
I am not into collecting and condition only applies to discs for me. For games I'd want either Burns or in box+manual for anything not only PCFX. Light fading is fine and so is console yellowing. I just want something that works. I have no laptop or computer or access to one so I have to manage everything from my messed up galaxy S4 phone. I am
I missed Rovers unit and I don't remember who I sold my old PCFX to that said I could get it back in the future but that's not realistic I know so just going from memory i have. I LOVE this system and many of it's games. I

I am able to find one as it's one of the only consoles I will accept owning or playing again. I VERY VERY poor and on SSDI and am living in a decrepid rooming house which is a step up from the homeless shelters and having everything stolen from me there. So I just need to have ppl work with me abd I gotta work up to it. I also can't use PayPal
in any way as I've tried but idc to. So, as it dont work with or for me and because my personality and feelings and way i do or HAVE to do shit is different so i might seem like a diff person but i aint. Anyway, here, i just have mail parcels stolen or cards opened. But I sorta have ways around such things that increase chances of receipt but because i wont put up with being walked on or accept or walk away from a "unrealistic brainwashed mindless thoughtless careless action or event. I HATE and despise selfish people and wont accept lies. I treat everyone the way i want to be or how i am treated simply in EVERY instance. Lies or excuses i hope i dont find from the few deals i make here thats all.
Anyway, I won't be doing much talking here as it's frustrating on my cell but I use chat on discord necro kindly helped me with. You da man necro!
I hope i am able to get over time some games id like to have and play. I know my situations not good but it wont get better as this IS best i can have. Lastly, I wont fight with gaypal so i have fine luck with cash in mail or money order at most. I wish i could trade. If i ever get my broken LA no pac out of where its being kept and if my LD movies arent warped i will atleast have that to fet a good home anyway and maybe some junk I know I have stupid action figures somewhere. Thanks people and I hope I can get some help with a PCFX and other things. Be well!