Is there anyway to redeem myself?
I have been trying to be a good member for years now. You guys are tough. I have bought a number of items from members here (multiple system and mods/repairs from Keith Courage among others), I have raffled off a game (Klax CIC), scanned my Time Cruise manual and put the Dropbox link for it here, led many members to the Ys IV English iso via PM, donated to Nightwolf, and had constructive conversations about video games.
What else can I do?
I’ll be honest, it’s you. The fact that you’ve put good time in to ape the look and behavior of an OG member shows you aren’t lazy but frankly I never do any of that shit, never have, and people don’t shit on me on me the way do you. This is for a lot of reasons but my point is that having the outward symptoms of decency doesn’t make up for the fact that people think you’re a profiteer at heart. It’s your inner ideology they don’t like, you can’t fool them with gifts and scans anymore than when billionaire a$$holes donate money to charity and learn to not say certain words in public. Recently some comedian I won’t name pointed out that external guidelines for behavior like that, good table manors, correct English, not referring to woman as “broads” those are things that the true scumbags have always been the first to master because they have a disingenuous nature. They are always putting on a face just to intigrate with society.
If you’re the sort of person they are ever going to like it’s going to happen because the posts you write show you to be someone they want to interact with. I’m not as bought-in on the whole The Comunity thing as a lot of these guys are but I can tell it’s a legit thing and you’re never going to bullshit your way into it. If you’re saying shit like “why” or “when” then you just look weak and desperate which makes them wonder why you would lower yourself like that and then they assume it’s for the money...
I don’t know anything about you other than your sig was stolen from a 80s tweenager so if I had an LT I didn’t need I’d probably sell it to you. However, the OGs here know that if I ever had an LT there is no f*cking way I’d sell it.

I don’t have extra LTs I don’t need. NOBODY DOES.