Author Topic: Which way should I go about to add an external controller port to a TE/PCE-GT?  (Read 514 times)


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Been doing some research on this, and this is what I've found so far:

1) Replace TV tuner port with 8 pin din connector, glue it in with epoxy?
2) If I run wires from the connector to the controller board, I have to use diodes, else the controller will not work right, unless I use a multitap and then it might?
3) It may be better to run wires direct to the 6280, and then the controller will work right without any additional components in path?
4) Someone(s) used to make controller boards with external connectors ready to go, but now they don't?

So in thinking about this, as Jayne Cobb once said, I'm smelling a lot of if coming off this plan. I haven't been able to find any definitive guides on this on youtube, there don't appear to be any ready-made kits available for the mod, and I can't find enough information to determine which sketchy way of going about this is really the best.

If there is a controller board available that's got a simple plug and ready-to-go ribbon cable to an 8 pin din, I might prefer that. Otherwise, if I'm going to have to do work anyways, I figure I might as well just run wires direct to the IC. But again, I'd need to find a good guide.

Interested in any guides, articles, resources, advice anyone can point me at.



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Tawy's replacement pcb has an external plug version.  I'm dumb and don't understand what it's doing that the original isn't, or how you'd connect anything, but maybe that's an option?

In any case, welcome aboard, best of luck, and please keep us updated on your success; preferably with pics, because GTs are bad ass.   :pcgs:
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Keith Courage

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You wire up the external controller Port directly to the points on the board for the 6280 chip. There are a bunch of tiny small solder points for these next to the chip itself so you don't actually have to solder directly to the pins on the chip.

Yes, you would still have to cut four traces on the controller board itself to add 4 diodes in between.


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Get one of these, Tawy has done all the hard work for you. Works great and fully reversible should you ever want to return to stock.


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Thanks for the replies. The thread with Tawy is the one I think I read earlier where I thought they quit making the board with the external controller option. I'll check it out again.

Also, I forgot to ask, will the external controller port work fine with a 6 button controller like the Hori Fighting Commander? That's the main reason I want to add the external I can play games like Street Fighter II that require 6 buttons (to be enjoyable anyways).

Keith Courage

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Unfortunately I can't answer your question about 6 button support as I haven't tested one myself on the external controller port mod.

I remember reading once online where someone had to use a Turbo/DUO Tap in order for their 6 button controller to work correctly.


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Can confirm Tawys version works with the Hori Fighting Commander 6b pad, but does display some weird behaviour if you use it with an Everdrive for some reason. If you plug it in after starting the game it works fine though (probably not an issue with an original cart).

Pretty sure he's still making them, I bought some not long ago. I think what you read was someone talking about a previous controller board replacement someone made a few years ago.


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Thanks much! I'll probably try this mod at some point then.