Mad fury 
Me saying you "demanded" it was in responce to you getting all out of shape in the shoubox about my score and my taking 2 days to do my score. Don't go trying to get all literal on me now.
Nothing here makes me look "worse" mike. I posted my high scores here for fun, and told everyone how I got my 5 mil run.
You told Nat that to prove a "hard" mode score, a vid must be taken of the game. Well, in your words, pausing is cheating, and the only way to prove that pauses weren't take would be by video. I actually don't care myself.
The only actual way to prove you'd be playing in hard mode would be to video tape it,indeed. And again,you're just trying to lump others in with you. As I said,just because you cheat doesn't mean others do. I never got bent out of shape,I never went off on you,called you names,demanded you remove your score,ect...nuthin at all. Also I was not,am not the only person telling you this. Ceti and Nectarsis did also. So are they getting bent out of shape too?
You came back on this thread after shout and begin your derailing and making the false statement about me. All of this conversation could have continued in shout,but you stated you had to go, which you obviously did not since your still here derailing threads. The only reason your trowing such a hissy fit is because I exposed you back when you lied to everyone about the Samurai Ghost deal and tried to run your scam. Your making this personal ignoring the facts at hand, the simple point that its meaningless/pointless to post scores in a high score competition thread when you have to use the cheat tactics you did to obtain them.
Like I said mike, it doesn't matter to me. It's just you edited your post to make you look better about what I had posted after your post.
I didn't edit anything content wise I posted prior,I added onto the statement,and I was doing so before you made you quad hissy fit post to begin with.
If it doesn't matter to you then you wouldn't have ran off of shout lying about having to leave,and come on this thread lying and derailing it with the lame quad post. If it doesn't matter to you,you'd simply shut the hell up in other words, instead of starting a scene.