Author Topic: A little help with FX hookup  (Read 557 times)


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A little help with FX hookup
« on: April 21, 2002, 11:44:00 AM »
I just bought a PC/FX and was just wondering about the power supply and US current. I play all my Japanese games either on a US Duo or a TG16 with converter and was just wanting to make sure I hook it up right as not to fry anything.


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Re: A little help with FX hookup
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2002, 09:32:00 AM »
should be fine, I've been runing my PC-FX since 1994 without any problems (from voltage). I know I've played it over 1000 hours, so If it was going to fry, it would have happened by now. Your milage may vary, you can never be too careful.
later gamer
-scott guide to PC-FX guides!


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Re: A little help with FX hookup
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2002, 10:18:00 AM »
Just for posterity a few tidbits of info..

The power cord on the pc-fx is attached (unlike most systems where you have to plug it in).. anyone remember the days when a lot of systems came with huge external brick power supplies to make the device itself look smaller? C='s stuff is definitely one example..

It is true that the extra 10V will mostly be converted to heat. The general advice is to keep the air ports on the pc-fx free from anything that would counteract the release of heat.. However, it has been my experience, that even with extended hours of pc-fx play, that the system doesn't even really get hot.. As a matter of fact, after 2-3 hours my dreamcast gets hotter than the pc-fx ever gets.. The voltage doesn't really seem to be a trouble in this regard.

If you only have one control pad, use the plastic bit that comes with the pc-fx (if you have it) to cover the second port. The port appears quite open to dust and I would imagine that could lead to trouble later on.

Keep all the expanion port doors shut, keep the pc-fx out of direct sunlight (like a gremlin), and make sure to keep it clean.
