Maybe the greatest news here is that Telenet is still alive 
As far as I can tell, this port is based on the original PC-88 version and not the PCE remake. No voiceover, no Sumi Shimamoto, no Yūko Mita T_T
Yeah, I scoured the Telenet website... but I didn't see any other items that piqued my interest (well, besides the nude girls).
At least we know that Telenet never relinquished their IP, well, they never let go of Valis, anyway. I hope they retained rights to the rest of their back-catalogue as well. Besides Valis, was the Cosmic Fantasy series their most popular / profitable product? I'd have expected to see CF before Valis, actually, considering how popular cellular RPG's seem to be in Japan.
UPDATE: I added a much better link to my initial post -- but it breaks the main navigation of the site, so use the first link if you want to explore Telenet's site.