Darm Opening Battle Dubbed!!! This kickass dub was created in the first attempt in 2004 with Justus.
FYI, the ReadMe is now view-able from the server link in the 1st post with Google Chrome. Just fixed it; looks like it was wrongly converted to Unicode (hence twice as big) but without the 2 byte header needed and quotes were inlined as single characters which show up as funky ones when viewed in Chrome. I used two HTML capable editors to fix it. Mike would have to recreate/reupload the Zip file to fix this for other Chrome users unfortunately, but no rush I guess...
EDIT: It appears if you use IE8 or Firefox, they will compensate for the bad Unicode conversion, so I guess that's why nobody but me noticed the problem.
I'm looking forward to the narrator, I hope it looks & sounds as good as I wanted it to be.....if that makes any sense 
PD, I can't believe you didn't have more to say in the ReadMe - You've been around since day one of this attempt, I figured you would've been good for a "retrospective" a bit longer than a sentence or two.

I had an issue where I needed to download a DLL file into the patching directory to get it to work.
What happens when you try to patch the game?
Yeah, can you guys tell me exactly what went wrong in both your cases? What DLL, the ASPI one ?
FYI, I threw in a little bit of history in the ReadMe. I found my Ys IV:DOY receipt from TurboZoneDirect, dated December 6, 1996! Click attachment below.