Love the name 
"husic" was already taken, and as the old saying goes ... "if it's not music, it's musak!".

Haha cool! Sometimes I hate the arpeggios.. sometimes I love the arpeggios. Sounds pretty decent here (in other words, it doesn't sound like Impossamole!).
It's good to be able to listen to some custom-made music on the PC engine on an emulator for once... Pretty good! Not a big fan of arpeggios though, but these are not bad really... Keep it up! ^^
I just listened to it and it sounds great. Well done Elmer.
Thanks, guys. Remember ... it's not my music data, I'm just the code-monkey that wrote the driver.
It's the musician that makes these things sound good ... and I have no idea at all, how-on-earth they do it!

Gross for omfgwhyaretheresomanyarps.
Don't take this the wrong way, lol, it's just, the absence of that stuff is one of the reasons I love the PC Engine so much.
I don't have to hear arpaprarparpaprapraprpararparpaprapraprparparparaprparparpaprparpprparpaprp constantly.
Well, some of us are ancient enough to have grown up listening to things like this ... 
... and to remember both decimalization, and Britain entering the "Common Market" (way before the EU).
Oh ... and prog-rock and all of those other things that influenced the generation of English computer-game musicians that you have fond memories for.
And, "yes" ... it's rather out-of-place here on the PCE.
But darn, I still love that track!

Again, it's just a proof-of-concept that the driver is basically working, and that song is my favorite among the ones that I have the source-data for.
Michirin9801's "Misty Blue" cover is the one that I really want to get working in order to read from deflemask files, and to add whatever enhancements are practically-needed to the driver.
Don't worry ... I suspect that nobody will ever use the arp-table capability again!

I'd like to hear this song done in a more PCE style setup instead of the SID esque warbleystuff.
Me, too.
I'm not a musician, and I know that I've messed-up the sound balance with my crappy gameboy-emulation volume envelopes, and lack of decent waveforms, and terrible doubling-of-the-channels, etc.
It could be done so much better if someone wanted to.
I just suspect that nobody would be interested-enough to try.