Author Topic: CD-Rom2 Spindle Height Q  (Read 728 times)


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CD-Rom2 Spindle Height Q
« on: December 20, 2017, 03:29:37 AM »
I just repaired a CD-Rom2 with a new gear, and can confirm it moves correctly.  When I place a disc on, the laser tries to read but just continuously makes a clicking sound. 
  It seemed the disc was constantly scratching so I tried prying the spindle up a mm or so, and I get
mostly the same issue.  No spinning, just an attempt to read the disc but no movement, and continuously clicking with out engaging.
  I'm thinking of moving on to caps, but wanted to see if anyone knows the proper laser height.  Is the spindle hub supposed to be flush with the white metal CD cover that protects the laser?  Thanks

Keith Courage

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Re: CD-Rom2 Spindle Height Q
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2017, 08:40:48 AM »
the center CD spindle is suppose to be slightly higher then the metal surrounding. There's a good chance yours has gotten pushed down. I've seen this happen quite a few times especially when things get beat up in the mail.

you should be able to see the complete sides of the metal spindle when looking at it from the side not from the top.

if you do need to raise it, the best way to do this is with a small pair of pliers. Put the pliers under the center spindle and actually push down with the pliers against the motor itself 4 Leverage. otherwise, if you try just pulling up on the center spindle you will most likely Bend the motor spindle or the actual metal on the mount itself which makes the CD spin all lop sided
« Last Edit: December 20, 2017, 08:43:57 AM by Keith Courage »


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Re: CD-Rom2 Spindle Height Q
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2017, 03:33:14 AM »
Thanks for the tip, I managed to get it to the right height, and proceeded to break the ribbon cable (the one with the bigger connection). 
  Anyways I am lucky to have a few spares I can make do, but if someone has a source for that cable
I'd pick it up anyways.  Ty


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Re: CD-Rom2 Spindle Height Q
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2017, 08:28:08 AM »
Sorry to hear that you broke the cable. I am afraid you will have to de-solder it and if you don´t have a replacement, run wires seperately.

About the spindle: After you changed the height of it, you will have to readjust the laser. There is one pot for "focus", that will assure it is able to read discs. I forgot which one it was (don´t have my notes with me), but I am sure there is a forum member who can help you picking the right one.

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