Author Topic: Hana Taka Daka ?! (Super Long Nosed Goblin)  (Read 606 times)

Gustav XIII

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Hana Taka Daka ?! (Super Long Nosed Goblin)
« on: July 17, 2002, 11:46:00 PM »
I got a brand new copy of Hana Taka Daka ?! and a guy named Adol (maybe some of you know him) want to deal with me this way :  I give him my brand new copy of Hana Taka Daka ?!  and he gives me his mint copy of Hana Taka Daka ?! and a mint copy of Puzznic. What do you guys think ? Puzznic is a cheap game, so I hesitate to make the deal.

Paranoia Dragon

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Re: Hana Taka Daka ?! (Super Long Nosed Goblin)
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2003, 02:15:00 AM »
I wouldn't do it.  Adol is notorious for being shifty.  My cousin got screwed over by him.