Hi all, I was fixing a Super CD-ROM² and it seemed to just need a pot adjustment.
I searched the forum for any pot adjustment, but I wanted one with a resistance chart,
ended up with nothing.
I found this japanese site
http://pcerepair.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-87.htmland started from scratch, the pots had been tampered with wildly prior to my
attempts and the site shows where they approximately should be when it's new,
I then tuned it in, and measured it and made my own chart.
Following the usual chart tradition =)

Borrowed from "Duo_R"
It would be nice if others would report their exact values as these are not the
original even if they are working very good.
Values in K (Kilo Ohm)
Sometimes potentiometers crack with age and if so
All of them should be 20K (24J) except VR105 thats 1K (13J)
They are also top adjust and single turn and hole threw.
Example Kingtronics RKT-3329-H-203 and RKT-3329-H-102