Now that work has settled down slightly, I figured I'd spend a small amount of time coding again. I've been away from coding for along time now so I'm a bit too rusty to work on Frozen Utopia's main projects, so I thought I might put together something smaller for the time being. Anyways...check it out: it's a PC Engine Battleship game prototype.
A couple of screenshots:

(if the images don't work, our connection failed to upload them...AGAIN)and the download link: a prototype, there's a ton of things that don't yet work, and much that couldn't be considered "final". This is merely a working prototype of some core logic and technique. You can place ships (move with D-pad, rotate with I, place with II), then take shots at the enemy grid (shoot with II). The enemy can't yet fire back, and debug information will show up on the screen.
Due to the three day hellstorm-from-the-sky we endured here, our internet connection is extremely crappy right now so it took awhile to get the screens uploaded...