Author Topic: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.  (Read 90733 times)


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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3150 on: March 28, 2024, 08:37:49 AM »
Lately I've been sucked into Castlevania:SotN again.
Brothers from a different mother! I too had recently played through SotN on my Chinese handheld. Those medusa heads in that "gear" room with the water STILL drives me mad. (the location where you have to hit the 4 gears till they "click" to open the secret passage). After getting an ending, I've been trying out the plethora of Gameboy games on the handheld.

After messing with the RMenu Kai update to the ODE's, I started playing Powerslave. Originally, I just wanted to test the new software, but 4 weeks later, I'm still playing through it. I find the game to have great balance and pacing along with impressive performance for a 3D game on the ole Saturn.
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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3151 on: March 31, 2024, 11:07:52 PM »
Brothers from a different mother! I too had recently played through SotN on my Chinese handheld. Those medusa heads in that "gear" room with the water STILL drives me mad. (the location where you have to hit the 4 gears till they "click" to open the secret passage). After getting an ending, I've been trying out the plethora of Gameboy games on the handheld.

I saved those medusa head clicky gear rooms until the end, haha! I hate those rooms with a passion. But I cleared 200.6% today! Woohoo!

Then I made it to Level 9 in Blazing Lazers, but wasn't able to beat the game this time. Still, making it this far on a little handheld felt like an accomplishment. I need to polish my chops before next weekend's MGC!


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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3152 on: April 24, 2024, 11:57:40 AM »
Since learning how to heart refresh glitch to reach the room beneath the castle gate, I've always wondered why 200.6 was considered complete.  Is there some way to reach the room legitimately that I don't know about?  The save point down there even seems kind of glitch-y so I really don't think you were intended to reach it.  Meanwhile, there are achievements in modern ports of the game for getting 200.6%.

So yeah, heart refresh glitch.  Or there's the Sword Bros. glitch to go out of bounds around the chapel towers; I feel like if it's accepted that you need to go out of bounds for sake of completion for the first, why not for the second?  You're more likely to have the Sword Bros spell + the bat transformation you need for this one.  It'll still get you the achievement regardless of getting the "correct" 200.6%.  You can get substantially more defense from Walk Armor just by going outside the chapel towers in both castles.  IIRC there's a myriad of other ways to get out of bounds for a few more percent but I never did any others so have no real opinion on them.
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lukester 3.0

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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3153 on: August 30, 2024, 09:57:57 AM »
brother and i booted up parasol stars on the switch. we only made it as a team to the mountain level. i ended up (barely) soloing it after I got the secret 99 credit coin beating the bubble bobble stage with 3 star icons  :mrgreen:

also played the haunted castle remake on the switch. still the weakest of the 16-bit games asides from dracula XX snes but it's a huggggge improvement! would've liked the option of the original music, didn't think the remake music has the same "punch". its also surprisingly "too" easy, i got to the 2nd phase dracula on my first go and i haven't played a castlevania game in years.
M2 always does a great job with their new ports and remakes
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lukester 3.0

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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3154 on: November 30, 2024, 08:48:41 PM »
played through a few more games on my list recently, while i'm on vacation

riot zone pce - never got around to playing the pc engine's "premier" beatemup. i didn't mind it was easy but more variety in moves would've been fun, and maybe some weapons. graphics ain't bad for a mid gen pce game but the animations were pretty goofy. but if i want a pce belt scroller in the future, i'll stick to river city ransom.

final fight 2 snes - i've beaten the 3rd one a long time ago, which was alright. this is also "alright", but the music is worse and no dashing/special moves, but it plays pretty mechanically tight overall. this is certainly a step up from riot zone but at the same time felt even more repetitive, due to its length, and i think riot zone had more interesting bosses. the blue swordsman dude is my favorite character. kinda silly how few weapons there were, or boxes/barrels that were empty. mighty final fight on the nes is still my favorite in the series. if riot zone is a 5/10, this was like a 7/10

goof troop snes - had a lot of fun with the first 3 levels, but then the last 2 levels really dragged the pacing hard with all the box pushing puzzles and backtracking. feel like i'm playing soukoban...maybe someday i'll replay this in co-op with my brother as intended. if the whole game was like the first half, it would be a solid 8/10 for me, but it ended up being more of a 6/10

rambo iii (genesis) - absolutely kickass. the best top down shooter i've played in a while, and surprisingly good soundtrack. the 3rd person tank/helicopter bosses are easy but super awesome, i think its still impressive today. i struggled hard with level 5 though, too mazey and you generally only can take 3 hits before you lose. i 1CCed the game on normal by grinding out extra lives on the 3rd stage (theres a regenerating bush man near the boss gate. i left the boss gate on minimal HP while I kept stabbing the bush over and over. stabbing in this game is high risk iffy reward, but your range is increased when stabbing the bush dudes. overall, 9/10

dynamite duke (genesis) - i like really short games, like rambo iii above, but there needs to be some challenge to make up for it. normal mode is an utter cakewalk and easy to 1CC up until the final boss. cabal style games are always interesting and i do like the melee component they added, but the melee is clunky and only comes in play for bosses. overall pretty playable but disappointing, 4/10

i also played through the forgotten worlds pce port not long ago, was kinda lazy i did easy mode with auto fire (and the buttons are easy to configure on an emulator)
holy moly, solid 9/10, such a creative experience. kicks the pants off the genesis version. someday i'll re-visit it on normal mode
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lukester 3.0

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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3155 on: December 03, 2024, 02:31:03 AM »
Guardian legend (nes)- dang, this is definitely a contender for one of the best nes games I?ve played, I plowed through it in one 5 hour long sitting, the gameplay loop got me hooked. Reminds of neutopia where you have the ?areas?.also not very cryptic! I hardly had to look anything up. However, three flaws for me unfortunately. Wayyyy too much repetition in shooter levels and boss fights. Most of the weapons tend to be pointless. I used either the fireball or the cutter for 90% of the game. Final boss is also quite a damage sponge. despite all that, it?s a 9/10 for me.

bio miracle upa (nes) - freaking awesome platformer. You play as a baby of all things?and you have this rattle. You hit enemies with the rattle and you can either float on the enemies of launch them in various directions. It?s a really fun mechanic and im surprised more games didn?t copy it. There?s a big difficulty spike once you hit stage 6, it?s doable but kinda frustrating. I played through normal mode but this cartridge version includes a new easy mode that I didn?t try. Compared to yume penguin monogatari, konamis other quirky import platformer, I felt this was a fully refined game and didn?t leave me disappointed. Only real flaw is boss repetition, mainly the pig (looks like and reminds me of birdo in Mario 2, you fight the pig on most levels) but each fight is varied due to room layout changes to keep you second guessing. I give this one a 9/10. I guess at some point i should play kid Dracula, as I?ve only beaten the gameboy version where half the levels are totally different.

mitsume ga toru (nes) - I know absolutely jack about the manga so idk if it?s accurate or anything. It?s a really fun megaman clone though with some of the best graphics on the system. Still a shame the nes had such big color limitations. Unfortunately, I did not know about the money juggling mechanic until I had finished the game, that might?ve been somewhat helpful. I think your character is a little too large, and the game could?ve used one extra level for little more variety. Wasn?t really impressed with the weapons except for the one that you could aim in a curve. Overall an 8/10 because it?s still super polished.

I am also replaying megaman V GB, but this time trying out the color hack, im about halfway through. It?s not one of the best but I appreciate the robot masters are easier than the other games, and the shop mechanic mixes things up. The hack removes ?most? of the slowdown which is the big benefit, asides from the colors. Personally, I dislike how the mega buster was changed to a mega arm, even once you can upgrade it to steal items. The decreased range is a bummer. For me it?s a 7/10, I?d replay any of the nes games over it except the real mega man 5, which felt generic, or mega man 1, which was a one and done for me like castlevania 1 just because of how brutal the difficulty gets.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2024, 03:14:33 AM by lukester 3.0 »
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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3156 on: December 09, 2024, 01:15:02 PM »
Finished Ys III on the Genesis. Damn, I honestly think this is the very best port of the game.  Honestly, if it had the PCE/CD soundtrack and was rereleased on Sega CD it would be the perfect presentation of the game.

lukester 3.0

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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3157 on: December 14, 2024, 11:25:33 PM »
Finished Ys III on the Genesis. Damn, I honestly think this is the very best port of the game.  Honestly, if it had the PCE/CD soundtrack and was rereleased on Sega CD it would be the perfect presentation of the game.

i like the x68000 port the best! its kinda like the genesis version but a lot more colorful
its in japanese but i didn't need it cuz Ys III is so linear
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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3158 on: December 30, 2024, 03:35:16 AM »
Currently been playing Clock Tower: Rewind, trying to get all the endings, and have also been playing lots of others that I can't remember all of. One of which being the Famicom version of Valis.
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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3159 on: January 11, 2025, 12:46:01 AM »
replayed a few easy classics today, all cream of the crop stuff

soldier blade
air zonk
mega man 2
mega man 3
« Last Edit: January 11, 2025, 05:42:03 PM by lukester 3.0 »
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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3160 on: January 14, 2025, 01:29:57 AM »
played a new game and an old one

Flying Hero (snes) - vertical shooter where you play as this egg thing and shoot...eggs? it has a really welldone control scheme where you use the L/R buttons to either shoot diagonally or behind you. each level also has multiple mini bosses which adds variety, but it's overall nothing too special. i'm no pro gamer but i plowed through this on a single life my very first go. i liked using the lighting weapon the best, despite the range. there is a hard mode i think

Gunhed (pce) - damn what a classic. i haven't played this one in a long time but it has one of the best hucard soundtracks and some killer bosses. i got through it just fine on my replay but i got nervous in the pyramid level and especially the bubble level (started hemorrhaging lives/bombs there). somehow the final stage is a bit easier than the bubble stage, less hazards i guess. as far as aleste games go, i like this one more than both musha and spriggan. haven't played robo aleste and super aleste yet so that's still on my list. super aleste is very very long so if i get around to it, probably the "short mode" first
The Skinheads have Taken Madonna

lukester 3.0

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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3161 on: January 28, 2025, 10:58:11 PM »
hate to say i played double dragon 2 for the first time finally. played the famicom version and the pc engine version

gotta say...i definitely prefer it on pce! pc engine has a real lack of quality belt scrollers besides river city ransom (which is 1:1 gameplay wise) and tenchi wo kurau (which is like if side arms was a beatemup)
the controls are much smoother, especially for pulling off the special moves, and the platforming controls better too. soundtrack is totally different but just as cool. interesting to see how Naxat changed up the stage layouts as well, and you get to keep your weapon from fight to fight.

can't say its better than Streets of rage 2/3 on genesis, but i like it more than SOR 1!

but the nes one is still pretty fun too, must have been mindblowing to play in the 80s
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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3162 on: January 30, 2025, 08:56:09 PM »
played a new game and an old one

Flying Hero (snes) - vertical shooter where you play as this egg thing and shoot...eggs? it has a really welldone control scheme where you use the L/R buttons to either shoot diagonally or behind you. each level also has multiple mini bosses which adds variety, but it's overall nothing too special. i'm no pro gamer but i plowed through this on a single life my very first go. i liked using the lighting weapon the best, despite the range. there is a hard mode i think

Gunhed (pce) - damn what a classic. i haven't played this one in a long time but it has one of the best hucard soundtracks and some killer bosses. i got through it just fine on my replay but i got nervous in the pyramid level and especially the bubble level (started hemorrhaging lives/bombs there). somehow the final stage is a bit easier than the bubble stage, less hazards i guess. as far as aleste games go, i like this one more than both musha and spriggan. haven't played robo aleste and super aleste yet so that's still on my list. super aleste is very very long so if i get around to it, probably the "short mode" first

Better late than never. Gunhed was one of the first five games I ever played on Turbo giving it max nostalgia factor.
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Re: Your Daily Dose of Gaming.
« Reply #3163 on: January 31, 2025, 10:58:26 AM »
I've gotten back into Downland on Tandy CoCo2 the last couple weeks for some cave exploring and time wasting. So fun, and genuinely a hidden gem.....