Couple of questions for thesteve:1. where the pcz80 was, where is the white with blue stripe wire going to (possibly a picture missing)? also is there something connected on the other side of the board to pins 17,18, and 19 as they are filled with solder?2. can you use the same type of clock for the system as you used for the color clock? the person in the tutorial I linked to earlier did so I would assume it would work, but dont know if they did something wrong. if so, this seems like it would be easier as you wouldn't have to drill any holes or use a jumper wire.thanks.
i did all my jumpers topside for visabilitystriped wire on 15 runs to pin40 on the HuC6260yes you could use a standard crystal for system clock, i just had the brick handy
i dont think this video embed is working....
i dont think this video embed is working and i've tried a half dozen things but here is some footage of thesteve's work in action: audio is terrible, but my bullshit doesnt add anything to the video