Some may be pricier than what people want, and I don't want to grab the ones that might be too high for online sales.
I wish you good luck ... but I suspect that you might find that to be a bit of a problem.
From what I've seen ... not that many people are really interested in the PC-FX, and those that really have the "collecting" bug are going to need to buy from Japan anyway in order to get a lot of the games.
The systems themselves can be crazy-cheap in Japan if you're willing to replace a bad laser!

But the few "playable-by-a-westerner" games already seem to command a pretty high price ... especially when the system has no copy-protection and you can just burn an image for free.
like a real copy of Zeroigar ... but I'm not willing to pay anything even remotely near what people are asking for it.
Same with Zenki.
Miraculum is on my list, and is
almost reasonably priced ... but it is still mostly useless until someone does a translation of it.
Team Innocent is definitely affordable ... and there is a work-in-progress translation so it's actually playable ... but it just doesn't look like it's much fun.
Someone would probably buy Pia Carrot from you ... but it wouldn't be me.