Author Topic: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)  (Read 6634 times)


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Re: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2016, 02:13:48 AM »
A little update: I contacted doujindance asking about the CD playback trouble, and if he actually checked the if the laser was functioning properly. He replied saying that he indeed did proof-test that the laser was operating, "using a 9V stabilized power supply and a oscilloscope  supplied with the standard voltage and current of a Japanese house". He also admits that he does receive a small number of mails from customers complaining about the CD reading capabilities every year.

He goes on to remind me that the console is used outside Japan, and that my AC current is higher than the 100V there. No shit Sherlock. The fact that he himself packs in a universal power adaptor with 100-240V  50/60hz input rating, and that the output of that to the console would be DC 9V 1.3A anyway doesn't seem to concern him too much. I even use a 230-110V 45 Watt AC converter because I didn't have any plug converter at hand. He furthermore asks me to adjust the potentiometer as shown in his youtube video.

Is he just bullshitting, or could the difference in AC current coming from the socket have anything to do with in when you're using a universal power adaptor with the right output and even a step-down converter? I've never had any problems with lasers on any of the other imported consoles I use.


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Re: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2016, 02:18:55 AM »
He is bullshitting. That is his common response.  The console runs off 2 7805 voltage regulators.  The voltage of the power supply is not that critical.  As long as it's in the range of voltages that will work with the 7805.

I recall him telling black tiger something along the same line for his N64.  It was about Japanese rgb only guaranteed to work in Japan or something like that.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 02:25:54 AM by mickcris »


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Re: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2016, 02:22:13 AM »
I myself when checking the original power supplies that come with the PCE Duo's they normally output between 12-15v testing directly at the power plug that goes into the console.

The 7805's take that voltage and turn it into a solid 5v.

The excess energy is dissipated as heat so the higher the voltage the hotter the 7805's will get. I am not sure if there are any parts of the board that actually use the full voltage from the wall wart power supplies.

I figured it all ran straight to the 7805's after the fuse to get regulated to 5v.

My US power brick for a US TurboDuo puts out the exact same voltage or very close to the Japanese power bricks just for a comparison. They are both within that 12-15v range. Even though they say 10v etc they output higher than what they say I have found.


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Re: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2016, 02:32:04 AM »
It's also a possibility that he really thinks that.  So maybe he's not exactly bullshitting and just doesn't know how it works.


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Re: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2016, 03:00:17 AM »
Thanks for the replies. Figured as much, as I've never heard about the AC voltage from a socket causing malfunction in a component in such a way, as long as it's regulated by converters and the DC output of the adaptor itself is within the safe range of the voltage regulators, as you say.

My US power brick for a US TurboDuo puts out the exact same voltage or very close to the Japanese power bricks just for a comparison. They are both within that 12-15v range. Even though they say 10v etc they output higher than what they say I have found.

So even if the rated DC 9V 1.3A output of the boxed in power supply is not what is exactly output the difference is nothing that should cause malfunction in the CD-reading capabilties of the laser itself and nothing else, and only in some games. It powers on and off fine, hucards play flawlessly, and at least one of my Super CD Rom2 games plays flawlessly. I don't understand why he would even bother with mentioning socket AC voltage differences as a cause for this when there are so many more apparent causes that could be addressed first.


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Re: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2016, 03:10:09 AM »
I don't understand why he would even bother with mentioning socket AC voltage differences as a cause for this when there are so many more apparent causes that could be addressed first.

I think he hopes people will just believe what he says and stop bothering him.  Like I mentioned above, Black Tiger could not get an RGB modded N64 to work that he bought.  He told him something like its only guaranteed to work on Japanese RGB monitors, or something similar. 

Or he really believes that there is something magical coming out the sockets in Japan and electronics only work right there.

In his defense though, sometimes the cd drives can be a bitch to get working well.


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Re: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)
« Reply #36 on: September 26, 2016, 11:20:28 AM »
I do the Modding in Europe and I am shocked and cannot believe it is that hard to work accurate and use good materials...


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Re: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)
« Reply #37 on: October 09, 2016, 03:45:03 AM »
I'm going to open my unit soon - bought from doujindance - had been pretty happy with the unit TBH except a jailbar issue.

Now I'm worried - because all I wanna do is fix the common 'jailbar' issue.  (As detailed by Tim Worthington here:

I believed this would be a 'simple' mod but wanted to ask around about the particular capacitors on this motherboard (DuoRX) because I'm not sure I'll be able to figure them out based on description?

Also I'm trying to verify if these capacitors will be a suitable fix:EDIT: these look to be a match:

Tim's specs are:

Capacitor type: Ceramic (MLCC)
Package size: 0805
Capacitance: 4.7 uF
Maximum voltage: 16V or 25V
Dielectric T.C.: X7R

Anyway, when I do get to it, I'll be sure to post pics.  And if the problem is too bad, (dealing with hot gun glue issues?!?  hope not!) I may ask to hire someone else.  I'm US based, but don't mind shipping etc, but looking for reputable modder who may have time.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, I'm trying to confirm / verify, which actual capacitors apply to my motherboard design.  Anyone know off hand for the Duo RX?

Any info appreciated.  Thank you!
« Last Edit: October 09, 2016, 04:02:38 AM by brandonx76 »


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Re: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)
« Reply #38 on: October 09, 2016, 09:42:45 AM »
I'm going to open my unit soon - bought from doujindance - had been pretty happy with the unit TBH except a jailbar issue.

Now I'm worried - because all I wanna do is fix the common 'jailbar' issue.  (As detailed by Tim Worthington here:

I believed this would be a 'simple' mod but wanted to ask around about the particular capacitors on this motherboard (DuoRX) because I'm not sure I'll be able to figure them out based on description?

Also I'm trying to verify if these capacitors will be a suitable fix:EDIT: these look to be a match:

Tim's specs are:

Capacitor type: Ceramic (MLCC)
Package size: 0805
Capacitance: 4.7 uF
Maximum voltage: 16V or 25V
Dielectric T.C.: X7R

Anyway, when I do get to it, I'll be sure to post pics.  And if the problem is too bad, (dealing with hot gun glue issues?!?  hope not!) I may ask to hire someone else.  I'm US based, but don't mind shipping etc, but looking for reputable modder who may have time.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, I'm trying to confirm / verify, which actual capacitors apply to my motherboard design.  Anyone know off hand for the Duo RX?

Any info appreciated.  Thank you!

Those are correct but that price is pretty high.  I can send you a couple if you are in the USA for a dollar.  PM me if interested and i will give you my paypal address.

here is where they go on the Duo-R/RX

it will not real simple since the caps are on the bottom of the pcb (directly under the hu6260) and you will have to pull it out of the case without disturbing the wires to change them.


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Re: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)
« Reply #39 on: October 09, 2016, 10:14:00 AM »
hey thanks very much Mcchris - and PCEnuggets - got a PM from him.

You guys are great.

I think I'm going to turn this over to PCE Nuggets for the full service - I'm interested to see what he finds. I've recently learned a bit about the Yellowing issue - as well as the reduced power capability issue (to run Everdrive 2.x) so hoping to have this reviewed as well, in addition to capacitor check/review. 

Would be interested to see before and after pics.  I'll try to post them here.


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Re: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)
« Reply #40 on: February 01, 2024, 09:49:06 AM »
Hi all,

sorry for reviving this old thread but I did not do my homeworks right and bought this:

Then, all happy, I came to the forum and wanted to share to check if someone had it and what was the review and...
Found this horror thread.

Should I skip installing it?
Will it ruin my hardware?
I've read horrible things like the colors will become yellow...
I also know it needs a specific scart cable, maybe that is the cause of the wrong colors?

Thanks for your help.


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Re: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)
« Reply #41 on: February 01, 2024, 11:57:49 AM »
I've read horrible things like the colors will become yellow...
I'm no expert but I've notice s-vid has the "yellow", not RGB. I have a pre-mod'd Doujin Duo, that I'm basing my observations on. I do not think the video mod chip is bad, just their method of install. I'm sure others can chime in.

I think the eBay link you have is just for RGB, not s-vid. It does keep the composite function on the og Duo cable but you'll need to buy another DIN cable for truly gorgeous RGB. 
PCE Daisakusen RIP - "Booze should be a choice, not a privilege" -KCDC (The FP)
"The dumb are mostly intrigued by the drum"

Keith Courage

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Re: Doujindance = CRAP RGB Mods. DONT BUY FROM THIS SELLER (but post pics)
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2024, 05:56:36 AM »
His mods have greatly improved since this thread started. Probably starting around 6 years ago his quality took a big jump. I'd feel confident using any mod boards purchased from there.

Long gone are the days of opening up a DUO-R and seeing a bread board of components with bubble wrap around it. Well, I still see it every now and again when people send me duos for servicing but anything modded by him within the past 6 years or so no longer has the poor quality mods installed.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2024, 12:01:12 AM by Keith Courage »