So, I have a bit of a story to share about Super AirZonk.
I think everyone's in the same boat that we all loved Air Zonk on HuCard right? I mean- it had everything, all the hype of a new (space age)

game in a shootie, great reviews in magazines, tons of parallax! A rad new mascot for the Turbo! So when it was announced that Super AirZonk was coming out, I was so stoked. Even if it did get it's release way after the Turbo was in the twilight of it's lifespan in the US.
I remember ordering it from TZD and super excited for it to arrive. When it finally came I popped it in and immediately got hyped after the intro and level selection screens. Then the stages started scrolling.
Barely any parallax, bland stage design, a lot of the cool transformations missing... It just felt... I dunno. Flat? like, even the pacing is slower. I was super disappointed in it. I recall getting pretty close to beating it, trying to give it the benefit of the doubt but was way too impressed with all the other shiny objects (other shooters) available on DUO to spend much more time with it.
About 20 years later, and I finally jumped back into it. And hell, I gotta say. I have a new found love for it. I think this sequel packs a unique series of final stage/areas and the boss rush is a heck of a lot more imaginative than the original. The final area even packs some ultra cool background animations and parallax! Man, I wonder if they would've done more of that if they had more time? I'm not sure, but I had a really good time playing through it this time.
Certainly, it still doesn't live up to the original, but what a crazy twist on revisiting a game I once disliked to say "Hey, that was way more fun than I remembered!"
Air Zonk 9/10
Super AZ 7/10
Give it a go!