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TG/PCE Repair/Mod Discussion / Re: Turbo Duo dont Read CD games but read audio cds
« Last post by herr-g on September 18, 2024, 03:09:11 AM »
I've had a similar issue with a CDR-30 (suitcase CD-ROM drive) and had to tune the VCO pot.
Here's a nice summary of the Duo pot adjustments. I'd give that a try.
Chit-Chat / Re: When did you stop playing installments of Ys, if ever?
« Last post by Paranoia Dragon on September 13, 2024, 02:11:30 AM »
Never stopped playing them. Never did actually play five, hard to get into so I'm waiting for a remake. I'll eventually get around to playing the original five though. My three favorite games in the series are Dawn of Ys, Oath in Felghana, and Lacrimosa of Dana(Ys 8). I don't mind the party system at all but I do generally usually prefer just playing as Adol.

Ys X: Nordics comes out October 25th so I'm very much looking forward to that! The party system is still kind of there but it's been narrowed down to just two characters, Adol and some chick whose name I forget at the moment. In the timeline, it's a sequel to Ys 2 . I think it happens something like 6 months later. I've been hearing a lot of great things about it so I'll likely love this game. I already picked up the soundtrack and I'm loving it as I usually do with any of these games aside from 5 which doesn't generally tickle my ears compared to the rest.
TG/PCE Repair/Mod Discussion / Turbo Duo dont Read CD games but read audio cds
« Last post by Dsantos82 on September 12, 2024, 09:25:00 PM »
Good afternoon everyone, I have a problem, I recently imported a PC ENGINE TURBO DUO from Japan, the system reads audio CDs well but the games don't read at all, I did a full recap, tested it with the laser from another console that works well and have already replaced it ics 105-106 and 501 the problem remains, does anyone have any idea how to solve it, I would be very grateful for any ideas.
Hi everyone.

First off, I apologize if this was already asked or if I'm putting it in the wrong place, it's just the only reference to it
that I did find was from over a year ago and I did not want to "necro" that thread.

I recently acquired an RX after watching real PC Engine gameplay at a convention, where I saw Rondo of Blood being played in the original Japanese.
However, I sadly don't understand Japanese (yet?) and so I went to the English patch, which made me wonder if it was possible to keep both the English subtitles and the Japanese voice acting for both cutscenes and in-gameplay voices.

I have tried both bitcrunching and patching my redump-standard backup (cue+bins) which said the hash was incorrect, and another one of my backups which did work with the patcher but gave a load error when testing it in Mesen.

I know the patch keeps the original audio files, but attempting to introduce them and/or introduce wavs made from the original audio files in Audacity results in desynchronization and stuff like that.

Introducing the original audio files (tracks 19, 20, 21 iirc) to a ready-made patched instance works better cutscenes wise, but in the intro Death still talks in English, missing the point.

I am pretty much out of ideas at this point, and ripping with turborip is sadly no longer an option, so I registered to this forum hoping anyone could point me anywhere. (EDIT To reiterate: I am not asking for any rule-breaking files)

In short, I want to keep the English subtitles while maintaining the Japanese VA both in cutscenes and in game. The german can be original or PSP.

Thank you.
PC Engine/SuperGrafx Discussion / Re: How Many Of You Own The Rom Rom Amp?
« Last post by herr-g on September 11, 2024, 04:47:40 AM »
I have both. While the Bose set gives a far better sound experience they're both not really practicable but really nice collector's items.
Speaker technology has evolved a lot since the 90s, especially regarding bass speakers. The bose satellites give some cool room acoustics though.
Chit-Chat / Re: When did you stop playing installments of Ys, if ever?
« Last post by Naniyue on September 11, 2024, 01:33:02 AM »
  So, how is this party system?  Is it anything like, say, Soma Bringer on DS?  I liked that one.  Or more like Secret of Mana, which I've actually never played? Or something else entirely? 

  Honestly, in action RPGs I tend to prefer a single player.  I did basically get the hang of the two player system in Darkstone, though.
TG-16/TE/TurboDuo Discussion / Re: Game of the Month: August 2024 - Basted
« Last post by Naniyue on September 10, 2024, 10:11:10 PM »
  I think I have that walk thru saved somewhere, but if you've saved others, I'd be glad for a copy!

  I've yet to beat this one, but I do like the cut scenes.
TG/PCE Repair/Mod Discussion / Re: Pc Engine Duo Repair Log
« Last post by Keith Courage on September 10, 2024, 06:53:26 PM »
Try changing the Save memory chip and check the via hole connections just below it. Sanyo LC3517BML chip on top of the board above the Bios chip. I worked on a DUO recently where it couldn't load the CD bios even with a CD system card. Changed out the Save ram chip and repaired a bad trace to the chip and the Super CD bios for the DUO started working again.
TG-16/TE/TurboDuo Discussion / Re: Game of the Month: August 2024 - Basted
« Last post by majors on September 10, 2024, 09:50:21 AM »
I got a few hours in using the walk thru on the old Brothers Duomazov page but got stuck on blue boss that chucks fireballs that split up into 8-directional beams. Pretty fun game, that again, I was not aware of. PC Engine is the console that keeps on giving!

Combat reminds me of Sword of Vermilion.
TG-16/TE/TurboDuo Discussion / Re: Game of the Month: September 2024 - Cratermaze
« Last post by majors on September 10, 2024, 09:43:41 AM »
I was not aware of the reverse re-skin on this game. Thanks for the trivia geise. I know I've cleared it on one of the easier levels when I got the Doraemon version a couple of years ago, but looks like I'll need to step up my game and challenge myself this time.
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